Oh, god. Where do I begin?
Best one yet and it felt like the longest. I love how you constantly change the plot. First, it's randomly blowing up various regions, next it's one technicians off-topic plea on sparing Paris, then it's keeping control over the fodder in Finland.
You art improved a lot in this one, too. The Mastermind is predominantly red and black (with a minimal amount of white), so the atmosphere is a convincing, sinister one. The reflections off the building in the intro looked like it took lots of BALLS to make. I love the reflections and the highlights (which, when shading in an animation is usually taken for granted, are usually absent).
The comedy is one again a side-splitter. The paradox in which the Mastermind has organized a systematic army that has the potential to dominate the world, but only seems to screw around dealing with minor insubordinations and petty setbacks (in a very immature manner, might I add). The whole balls thing was just lol. Ironically, there was no discipline among the fodder that was capable of conquering many European cities. Let alone, that one of them would fuck them all over by breaking the horse's back by stating "balls." I think that's what makes the Mastermind so funny. It's the incredible irony in every situation (and I mean EXREME ironies).
Good luck on the next. You belt these out so quickly. This should give you good practice for Blockhead (unless you discontinued him D=).