I wish to severe my eyes from my optic nerves
Wow, you really have no talent at all. You used a 12 fps frame rate apparently, it was extremely choppy, and it was pointless. And a Mafia clone army? First, this had nothing to do with the Mafia. Go read a book on the Brooklyn mob to learn about the Mafia. Second, Mafia and clone army don't mix. That's like putting Star Wars in the Godfather. It's awkward and just doesn't work. Third, you completely copied Madness Combat. This was pointless and horribly made. It's not too hard to make a decent Madness Movie. I'm making one and it's coming out way better than this. Just because you're eleven years old and you can't animate doesn't mean we should pity you. If you can't make a good animation, don't submit it to NewGrounds just so you can be idolized by your friends for a large piece of crap. We've already got enough horrible Madness movies on NewGrounds. Go watch Madness Elimination or Maximum Ninja and learn from them before you make another animation.