Graphics: Things were a bit fast at the end, but the detail was amazing, your 3-D was awesome and the blood was great. There's much more, but I doin't want to make my review so long.
Style: It was kind of cliche when you explained what was going on (Jebus tests Jimmy after he revived him). Also, you killed Jebus. I don't understand why he'd test him if he'd kill him. Ayways, everything else was great, in the storyline.
Sound: Too loud, man. But it was well-synched.
Violence: How many kills? I didn't count, but was it 70? 80?
Interactivity: N/A
Humor: This wasn't intended for the funny, but I got a kick out of a few things.
Overall: I thought this was simply restricted to When I saw that it was on Newgrounds I almost screamed. I started to compare it to the old one. You added the giant zombie fighting Jimmy, the 3-D room, and everything after the screen says "Pac's turn." I really thought this was incredible, Jimmy. Can't wait for MO:3 or whatever you're going to call it.