That's the sound of me animating.
Almost two minutes of Stainville 2 have been completed, hampered, of course, by schoolwork, but trudging along nonetheless. Had a lot of free time the past couple of days so I banged out a good 30 seconds and refined a couple things. 99% of the dialogue is already record, including some hilarious voices provided by one Mr. Scott Link.
From the 16th of December to the 24th of January, Scott and I are embarking on a journey into HEAVY PRODUCTION MODE, which will consist of animating hours on end, tweaking with sound, and lots of Scooby Snacks. No, really, though... hours on end.
What do we hope to achieve by next episode? Well, that's up to you. Tell your friends about us and Stainville. And get them to tell their friends. Mention the cartoon whenever possible and help us get the word out. If we see a rise in popularity, we may just consider t-shirts or some sort of merchandise. How else could you make it any more obvious that you have a salami-sized schlong than to rock a "YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE" t-shirt?
Consider this option, my friends. And if you're not considering it, we know that you're already acting upon it.