Yeah, slugs are slow and so is my work pace.
Redness has about 4 minutes done on it. I'm stuck on a long voice acting piece. I'm still at 11 kills and won't be able to finish the other 60 until I finish this goddamn voice acting. NightNova has been an excellent voice actor and is really filling out the part of Mike well, so I can compliment the character with animation.
I am also not sure why I'm doing this, but I'm working on another side project, which will indefinitely hamper Redness. I've spent one day on it so far and I've got a good 2000 frames on it. It will be more of a comedy piece and it's non-madness. However, I feel that it sucks and I am unhappy with it. Woot. /49874_LoA_prev.JPG
In conclusion, Redness will be released in either late July or early August. Seriously, I've only worked four months on it. If HotS wasn't such a pain in the ass, I'd almost be done with it. >=(
EDIT: Oh yeah. 70 posts once again. I'll change it to 60 if you discover the little easter egg in the picture. Or rather, big.