Well, I feel it's time for an update on Redness Mafia II, don't you agree? No? Too bad. =)
Several days ago I passed the 1000-frame limit. I have been working on-and-off on this - what with posting on /b/, school, and other stuff. Recently, I finished animating eleven characters simultaneously for a span of about 220 frames. I've also done some interesting little tricks with 3d and realism (as in, removing the outlines from some graphics for a more realistic effect). No kills yet, but I will guarantee you 70+ >=). My new voice actor for Mike Tufano (since the original voice actor has passed on, though his memory hasn't), is Nightnova, so I want to make him recognized while I have your attention. He's a great voice actor and is very patient and tolerant (just ask him how much of a dick I can be). I also want to recognize TomFitz, my occasionally lazy, but extremely talented and reliable audio maker. He is doing three of the four audio pieces that will be featured in Redness. And let me tell you: THEY ARE EPIC. Tom's music really helps fit the mood of my cartoons - even in Precedence with his exceptional self-titled track. I believe he is very under appreciated, so if you have a chance, drop him a line and compliment him. Trust me, I tried Frooty Loops and it gets boring when you manually repeat notes (I'm assuming it's an unorthodox method of making music, but I only used it for a day before uninstalling the damn thing). My brother has a small musical score that caught my interest, so you'll hear a bit of what he can come up with as well.
And finally, the current statistics:
Frames: 1129
Layers: 90+
Current Scenario: Central Park; 11:00 PM
Kills: N/A
Lines: N/A
Well, that's all for now. Oh, wait. I lied. Third screenie! (The first two are on MC.net, which as of now is unavailable). Have fun and uh... crack kills?
-Alpha/ The Verdi/ Russa
oh hi