Hey, guys. I figured it's time for some change and, well, I'll be brief.
First, I've decided to condense the Redness series. I've realized the taste of animating full figures rather than Madness sprites and I really enjoy it, now. So, in order to fudge out my own ideas, rather than tributes, I'll be cutting down on Redness. Originally planned to have nine episodes (mainly due to an overload of ideas and intense ambition), it will be condensed to only a couple more episodes. Material will be cut, some plot lines will be dropped, others will be shortened, and the overall thing will end pretty suddenly. I may take my time and work until MD 09 on Redness 3, but then again, I may not. We'll see how it turns out.
I came to this decision when I figured out how fun animating fully-articulated 2d characters are. If I had continued Redness throughout its nine-episode series, I would have been finished by the time I reached college. However, by condensing it, I can resolve the series and animate my own ideas. I'm planning a series based on myself and a few friends (essentially, everyone who was involved in Lucky Charms Faggot IV). It's still in the preliminary stages, so it might not work out, but, once again, only time will tell how this will play out. Along with the new series, I am planning a small, violent toon inspired by the Castle Crashers.
TL;DR: Redness will end by 2010, I'm making two new series; look for them.
Oh, and for your viewing pleasure, I have a Redness Screenshot (I haven't completed much work on it since November) and two test animations for the aforementioned cartoons.
EDIT: Call of Awesome: World At Awesome